Assinie ? What is this ?

It is the seaside resort of Ivory Coast. Located 1h30 from Abidjan, the economic capital. It is located in a breathtaking setting between the Aby Lagoon, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Éhotilé Islands Marine National Park. In the meanders of the mangrove, fresh water and salt water mix. In the shade of the mangroves are bats, crocodiles and many other animals! It is a whole ecosystem still preserved that more and more tourists come to observe. On the shores of the Gulf of Guinea, Assinie offers a wild and domesticated double face.

Alongside the lagoon, its fine sandy beach stretches for 30 kilometers along the Atlantic Ocean. Its long beach made it a private seaside resort that became famous in 1978. This is where the film "Les bronzés" was shot.
My memories of Assinie :

An activity that I loved to do at the beach, during our enchanted weekends: Looking for Sand Dollars! This pretty shell, fragile and colorful, which is in fact the skeleton of a flat sea urchin. The technique consisted of standing at the edge of the beach, with your legs in the water up to your knees, and watching the bottom of the water when the wave receded... The sand dollars are carried around by the current , and we can see them spinning on the sand, between 2 rollers.
You have to be super fast to catch it, and at the same time very delicate, so as not to break it into a thousand pieces !

Fishing for Sand Dollars is an interesting and fun experience! It takes patience, good observation skills, speed and delicacy!... And the reward of finding this pretty seashell, with its unique colors, designs and shape, is immense! It occupied me many hours during my childhood, and continues to occupy me when I go back! A great way to enjoy the beach, this magnificent landscape and the beauties of nature! This shell is a beautiful decorative object, original and so fragile.
And you ? Do you know the Sand Dollar ? Have you already picked it up somewhere ? If so, tell me in the comments! I'm curious to know !
If you want to know more on sand dollars, it's here :
And if you just want to discover the rest of my blog, it's here :