This little Ivorian crudité sauce: I totally LOVE IT ! I reveal to you this simple and delicious Ivorian recipe.

It accompanies all kinds of grilled meats (beef, poultry, fish, lobsters, etc.) in Côte d'Ivoire, and our traditional Attieke (cassava semolina), the recipe of which I will reveal to you very soon !

It is an ideal accompaniment for grilling and your meals this summer. It is light, fresh and above all very tasty! I really strongly recommend that you try it out !
West Indian Dog Sauce :

It could be similar to the famous Chien Antillaise sauce, except that we add a typical African MAGIC ingredient, which really makes all the difference !
Recipe for Ivorian raw vegetables sauce :
Ingredients for a sauce for 6 people:
2 red onions 1 Cucumber 4 nice tomatoes Fresh coriander or parsley for those who prefer Salt Pepper Sunflower oil (or rapeseed) Wine vinegar (or cider)

The magic ingredient: the Maggi Etoile Cube! YOU KNOW ? If you can't find any, that's okay. This sauce is also delicious without... But I admit that the maggi cube gives it an incomparable taste !
Recipe : Cut the onions and tomatoes into thin slices. Cut the cucumber into very small dice. Finely chop the cilantro or parsley. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl. Season with vinegar, oil, salt, pepper. Mix everything together, and crumble 2 star maggi cubes on top. Mix again. Chill a bit before eating.

Do you know this accompaniment ? Tell me, when you have tested it, how do you find it ?
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