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Legal Notice

Sylvie Bourgain

167 chemin du clot d'arbaou - 83440 Montauroux (Var)

Tel: - email:

  • Registered with the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the PACA region on 06/11/2019

  • SIRET number: 515.217.719

  • Individual business

The CoteaCoteBySylvieB site is hosted by:

  • Wix 

  • Wix Online Platform Limited 

  • Address: 1 Grant's Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland.

  • Phone: Please click here

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The texts, photos and videos present on this site are the exclusive property of their author, namely Sylvie Bourgain, and are protected as such by the law on intellectual property.

Any reproduction, partial or total, of the contents, by any process whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without the written authorization of the author; otherwise it will be likely to constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L. 335-2

The only data that I collect through this site are those allowing to honor the orders, namely, identities and addresses of the buyers. Or even those allowing you to receive the Newsletter if you have subscribed to it.

This data is not subject to any resale or other nonsense, it remains strictly confidential between you, the customer, and me.


The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS) platform. This platform is available at As a customer, you always have the option of contacting the Arbitration Board of the European Commission. We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

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